Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Princess Kay

Our county dairy princess Kelsey Sellner, who will be running for Princess Kay of the Milky Way next Wednesday!  We wish her well as she represents the dairy farmers of our county!

Princess Kay....our calf !  Born on the same day that Kelsey was named a finalist...she's so big now!


  1. During our visit to Ulm area dairy operations, we noticed in the local newspaper that Kelsey was in the finalists. We also visited her fathers?? dairy. Interesting and friendly community. Hope she does her best and at least she has a calf named after her.
    Thanks for the hospitality.
    Your Idaho visitors.

  2. Kelsey was not crowned Princess Kay, however she did enjoy her time at the State Fair educating consumers about dairy. She's a great advocate for agriculture! Thank you also for your visit to the farm and the blog!!!


I write this blog to share my passion for my cows and farming, please be respectful of that. I reserve the right to delete those comments which portray hate, call names, and are out right disrespectful. If you have an honest question, I will respond, to explain what we do on our farm, why we do it and how we do it. Please read with an open mind. My time to blog is short, as most of our days are spent caring for our beloved cows. Thank you!